What makes me tick

I am photographer, advocate, grandmother, designer, maker, equestrian. I live in the USA with my Daughter and pups: Mazie the Doberman and Maggie the Yorkie (guess who’s in charge).
Renovation and restoration
Living in a 1935 bungalow fuels the ‘Maker’ in me. I thoroughly enjoy remodeling with my own two hands.
I’ve also been slowly restoring a 1972 VW bus (that I lived in during ice storms!)
Fascination with Patterns
In my photography I am drawn to repeating patterns of texture, shape and color. Finding these in flowers and plants fills me with light headed giddiness.
UX Design
Armed with a Commercial Art degree from 1981, I’ve continued my education earning professional certificates in Marketing, Social Media, UX Design, programing, etc. UX (User Experience) being the focus in all of my projects.
My fascinated with how we interact with one another lead to a 25 year career as a Sign Language interpreter. I speak French too.
IT Project Management
I have the good fortune to work with people I admire. Where I built and manage a secure staff portal for my employer. It is ever growing and evolving.
Learning new things.
Did you know that our brains form new neuro pathways when we learn new things. To that end I’ve taken up music. Mostly on the guitar and dabbling on my mandolins, banjo, and Piano.
An array of resources
What a time we live in! While I was a kid, there were no computers, cell phones, voice mail, or even color on the TV. Now, education is free for the seeker. Google offers free certificate programs, The Kahn Academy offers school curriculums, how-to videos abound on YouTube. And now with AI, ask almost anything; help with coding, how things work, or whatever you can imagine and get an answer.
- I’ve found that if something troubles me, focusing on my own ritual that feeds my soul is the salve that heals
- Meditation is key
- Keeping thoughts and energy deliberately directed on what I desire is sometimes challenging and always fruitful.

- I do my best to allow others to be and choose as they will (as long as it doesn’t harm others)
- Recognizing and honoring the person in everyone, regardless of ability or circumstance seems to have liberated something inside me.
- I endeavor to treat others as I want to be treated. While at the same time advocating for what I believe in. (My son say’s I’m fierce).
“Start loving yourself for everything that you are. ”
Facebook quote posted by The Old Writer